Il Mio Mondo

Il Mio Mondo
Doing what I love!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's Been a Minute

So, I came off my cleanse a couple weeks ago. Although I've maintained a pretty healthy diet consisting of fruits, vegetable, and healthy recipes, I feel like I'm not quit done with my journey. My total weight loss is 22lbs, I might have gained a couple back from the Thanksgiving holiday. Normally, I would feel bad about gaining a little weight, this time it only motivates me to continue my path. I will continue to juice and eat 90% raw foods. The other 10% will be mostly soups, this cold weather has brought a need for something warm for my tummy.

As far as my health is concerned, I'm feeling great. My energy level has stayed high, I'm rarely fatigued, and have noticed I'm able to function on less sleep. My psoriasis hasn't cured itself but it's definitely more under control.

Until next time

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One love

I am not perfect, I sometimes get angry, raise my voice, judge, or act in a way that's not conducive to living my best life. I sometimes feel sad, unhappy, or defeated, but I strive to be the best me, try to catch myself when I've been less than pleasant, and fill my life with as much positivity as possible.
When you view my profile you're seeing the best me, the me I strive for everyday, but know that I slip just like you. I need reminders, encouragement, and inspiration everyday.
Remember, I am only a reflection of you, the good and the getting good. So, if we all strive for the best "self", the best "me", our reflections will radiate with the brightest light!
One love!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 27

Today is a break through day, a day that has revealed to me what path to choose. As I draw near to day 30 of my juice cleanse, the universe has answered a lingering question. Do I stop cleansing at day 30 or do I continue?

In my first post I listed some ailments I have experienced, one of those being amenorrhea, the absence of menstrual cycle. Treatment for this, of course, is medication, a 10 day dose of progesterone. I also used progesterone cream as a more natural alternative, that didn’t work. So, I would take the pills for 10 days and then my menstrual cycle would begin. I was to repeat this every month when my cycle didn’t start. My doctor expressed concern of allowing too much time to pass without a period, as it could develop into cancer. I didn’t want to consume that much medication so I would wait till I didn’t have a cycle for three months, then take the meds.

My last menstrual cycle was June 5th. Sorry if that’s TMI :). My prescription ran out and I missed my appointment with my gynecologist, therefore no cycle for almost 5 months. That series of events was a blessing in disguise! I started my cycle today!! No pills, no cream, it naturally came on its own! I can’t explain how uplifting this event was. My eyes welled up and I intuitively knew that my body is on its way to a state of healthy bliss.

As of today I have lost 17lbs, but most importantly I have gained inspiration, motivation, and a keen sense of self realization. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so grateful!

I no longer need to ask myself if I should continue; I know I should! So, my journey continues.

I affirm, I recognize and appreciate all that inspires me to feel empowered.

Till next time

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18

I am amazed and humbled by this experience. I’ve had very few incidence of challenge. I’ve tackled each day with calm, compassion, and self reflection. I’ve treated myself with tender care, something I haven’t done for a very long time.

I have found a new passion for cooking; funny considering I can’t have any of my creations. My girls tell me I am a much better cook now that I’m juicing, they suggest I continue. =)

Self reflection has been a huge part of my journey; I question what it is I have been attracting into my life and whether that is really what I want. I have also taken a good look at my mortality. I chose to be on this earth to enjoy and fully experience all of life’s pleasures. I can’t do that if I’m sick, therefore I chose differently. This journey isn’t about meeting the ideal of what society says is beautiful. This journey is about respecting and caring for the vessel I’ve been given and making sure I’m dancing till it’s time to ascend.

And so it is!

Until next time!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 12

Almost two weeks in and juicing has become a normal part of my day. Beyond that, I’m feeling amazing! Although I feel a bit weak during strenuous exercise, I sleep better and feel more energy throughout the day.

Watching the juice slide down the juicer spout into my glass has become a source of motivation, especially juice made with green veggies. Kale, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, and many more produce an almost florescent green juice that I imagine lighting me up within! It truly is alive and definitely healing.

I have to admit that on day 10 I cheated a bit. I dabbed a bit of oatmeal on my tongue to make sure it was ready. It tasted so delicious that I had two more spoonfuls. I decided not to beat myself up or feel guilty about it. After all, it was oatmeal not a cheeseburger. :) Yes, I know, I’m justifying it.

P.S. I've lost 11 lbs so far!!

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4

Not much to report today, the day was a breeze!
I've lost 8 lbs so far, but weight isn't my main focus.
Hoping my body is healing and on it's was to optimal health. :)
I will check back in in a few days for an update.
Till next time!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 3

Busy busy day at work, grateful as it kept my mind off of food. My sense of smell seems to be a bit hightened, as I could smell food in the air, even in the building. Nonetheless, I maintained focus.

I have done the master cleanse many times in the past and I noticed by the third day I no longer felt hunger. Today, I felt hungar pangs throughout the day. I sense that it's because I'm actually still eating raw fruits and veggies. If I was strictly doing liuids, like on the cleanse, I may not have felt my tummy grumbling. I'm going to wean myself off the raw intake and keep it stricly liquids.

Tomorrows juice is prepared and I'm ready for some reading before bed. Sweet dreams!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2

Day 2, a little bit more challenging.
Started my morning juice a bit late, which probably contributed to my headache.
I went to my cousin Krista's baby shower, there was so much yummy food! I enjoyed fresh fruit and my juice. Todays juice consisted of carrots, apples, oranges, and a bit of ginger. DELICIOUS! The only thing that was a challenge while I was there was my headache. Headaches are normal when cleansing, it's the bodies reaction to the release of toxins. So, I've embraced the headache and I know I will wake up tomorrow to find it has gone away.
I have found it interesting how my mental preperation has really allowed the last two days to go smoothly. I affirm my commitment to myself each day and remind myself of the reason I have taken this journey.
Until tomorrow   

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1

I'm a little surprised at how easy it was to get through the first day of my journey.
Juicing, raw veggies and fruit and surprisingly I wasn't hungry!
I think the key was keeping busy. We drove the coast from Zuma Beach to Santa Monica, making pit stops along the way. The day was gorgeous!
Exhausted from all the walking and am ready for a good nights sleep.
I'm inspired and I know that the universe brought me exactly what I asked for today, a first day of ease.
Until tomorrow

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Journey to Health

So, the time has come for me to embark on a journey that has been a long time coming; a personal journey that’s all about me. This is a foreign concept to me, after all, I am an Aquarian, and for us it’s all about doing for others. In the process of doing for others I have forgotten about myself.

I have been living with psoriases since the age of seven and although it has been manageable, I’m really over it! J Psoriasis is said to be an autoimmune disorder that has no cure. I have been treating it with topical creams. In no way is my condition serious or as extensive as some experience, but the underlying cause has remained undetected.

In addition, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in May of 2009. (I think I must have had this condition many years prior to being diagnosed.) Nonetheless, the diagnosis helped me understand why I had been feeling the way I did for so many years.  Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is inflammation of the thyroid gland, which damages the gland's cells. Hypothyroidism is also an autoimmune disorder, do you sense a pattern?

My underactive thyroid causes a myriad of symptoms;

·         Fatigue

·         Weakness

·         Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight

·         Coarse, dry hair

·         Dry, rough pale skin

·         Hair loss

·         Cold intolerance (you can't tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)

·         Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches

·         Constipation

·         Depression

·         Irritability

·         Memory loss

·         Abnormal menstrual cycles

·         Decreased libido

I have had all of these symptoms at one point or another. Unfortunately, conventional medicine typically views the thyroid in isolation from the other systems of the body. Although my medication has worked as far as keeping my thyroid condition from getting worse, in many cases women with thyroid problems spiral steadily downward, feeling worse as the years go by and finding themselves on an ever-expanding list of medications. I DON’T want to get to that point.

I have to say that my diet isn’t by any means BAD, and for someone free of disease it would suffice. For someone who needs to heal, more aggressive measures are needed.

My journey begins October 1st, inspired by the documentary “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” and others. I know that the human body can heal itself of disease; it’s just a matter of feeding it whole foods from the earth.

I chose this outlet not only to keep myself ”in check” but also because I know I will need your support!

Stay tuned for more details as I document my experience!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paris: The City of Lights

The city of lights is one of the most beautiful and amazing cities on the planet. Situated on the River Seine, Paris never fails to intrigue its visitors. I’ve been to Paris three times and I would go back.  There are many sites to see, more than you can see in one trip! I suggest choosing the sites you want to see beforehand. Here is a list of some of the most popular;
Eifel tower: You can reserve tickets online at
Louvre Museum: The Louvre is huge, where comfortable shoes.
Palace of Versailles: About a 40 minute train ride outside of Paris.
 Church of Notre Dame: You can climb to the top to get a great view.
Moulin Rouge: Have a cup of coffee at the café across the street.
Latin Quarter: One of my favorite places, bohemian artists and the best crêpes.  
Champs Elysees: The shops and restaurants are overpriced on the Champs, I would suggest a drink at one of the cafes while people watching.
There are so many more places to see, Jardins de Luxembourg, Palais Roya, Les Halles, Musee Picasso, Montmartre, Les Invalides, Montparnasse, and Père Lachaise Cemetery.

The metro system in Paris is fantastic, but walking whenever you can gives you a whole different experience.
The biggest expense in Paris will be your hotel, there are so many, I would suggest checking TripAdvisor for reviews and prices.

Dining is in abundance as well, Chez Georges, Restaurant Mariette, and Le Petit Centre du Monde are just a few. 

Most of Paris is pretty safe; we walked around late at night and found it was just as safe as walking during the day. There’s a nostalgic air when walking late night along the River Seine!! Of course, always be aware of your surroundings.
You can find metro and city maps in most metro stations. Although English is spoken by many, you are likely to find that in many places you go there isn’t anyone that speaks English. Here’s a list of some common phrases:
Merci beaucoup - thank you very much
Bonjour - Hello
Bonsoir - Good evening
Bonne nuit - Good night
Au revoir - Good-bye
Je m'appelle - My name is&
Madame - Mrs.
Monsieur - Mr.
Oui - Yes
S'il vouz plit - Please
Je voudrais - I would like&
Vin - Wine
Pain/Baguette - Bread
Fromage - Cheese
Combien - How much?
O - Where
Gauche - Left
Droit - Right
Numbers: Un - One, Deux - Two, Trois - Three, Quatre - Four, Cinq - Five, Six-Six, Sept - Seven, Huit - Eight, Neuf - Nine, Zro - Zero
Hopes this gives you a little insight into the city!!
Au revoir

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mental Slavery

As children, we are taught not to question authority. Experts are said to tell truths, ones in which the masses should agree to. Are we a bunch of sheep? Should we not be independent thinkers? Nobody doubted the credibility of Bernie Madoff, not for 25 years! Nobody questioned Enron, whose bonds rated AAA right before they filed bankruptcy!  Are we taught not to question authority so that those on top stay on top?
Do we dare read behind pacifying words and question their meaning? If we do, we may not get that promotion; we might look like a troublemaker, or even hurt friendships!
Wait, who cares!! At what cost are you willing to compromise your beliefs or moral standards?
I am an idealist at heart, but to be honest, nothing is ideal! It’s unfortunate that the world we live in is filled with people who don’t hold themselves up to the same standards as others. But, that’s reality!
It isn’t negative to speak your mind as long as you do it with respect. Question your professor, their human like the rest of us, they make mistakes. Question your boss, maybe they don’t realize how unfair their actions are. Question your mother or father, maybe their views are a little out dated. The key is the way you communicate to others. (Something I’m not always perfect at)   
I will continue to be an idealist and see the world glow with perfection, but I will do so with more insight. I will not believe everything see or hear, I will look beyond the parameters I am accustomed to.  I will promote arguments, discussions, and debates, because that’s how we expand our minds! Will you do the same?     

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Although being recognized is nice, being a mother is a choice! It is my job to raise my daughters to be the very best young ladies so that they can be great mother's one day! Thank you Naomi and Triniti for giving me the opportunity to experience a world full excitement, joy, adventure, and craziness!! ;) We are a divine trinity!

To all mothers around the world, may you savor every moment with your children, allow their innocence and hunger for life fill your soul, for there are mothers who face overwhelming challenges of poverty, disease and malnutrition. I especially salute these mothers, for their plight is unimaginable!


Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby... that somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, "normal" is history.

Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct... that somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.

Somebody said being a mother is boring... that somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.

Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "turn out good"... that somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee.

Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices... that somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.

Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother... that somebody never helped a fourth grader with his math.

Somebody said you can't love the fifth child as much as you love the first... that somebody doesn't have five children.

Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books... that somebody never had a child stuff beans up his nose or in his ears.

Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery... that somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten... or on a plane headed for military "boot camp."

Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back... that somebody never organized seven giggling Brownies to sell cookies.

Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married... that somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.

Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home... that somebody never had grandchildren.

Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her... that somebody isn't a mother.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rome: I wrote this up for a friend, thought I'd share it with everyone!

"si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi"
"If you are in Rome, live in the Roman way; if you are elsewhere, live as they do there"
Aww, Roma, a bustling city, where modern and ancient meet! There is so much to see and depending on how long you’ll be there, its best not to try to jam pack your days. The city is most enjoyable when you’re able to take your time and absorb the reality of your visit, being that you are in a city that’s over two thousand years old! Of course, there’s no way of seeing every historical site, every museum, and shop, so it’s best to decide what kind of experience you want to have before hand. I love museums, but in Rome the whole city is a museum. There are endless historical opportunities outside the confines of a building. (My personal opinionJ)
Rome has some great shopping! That said. Rome is most famous for its high end retail stores. You’ll also find souvenir vendors everywhere, don’t forget to bargain with street vendors. I have a little tradition that I started my first trip to Italy, instead of buying a bunch of souvenirs I probably won’t have in a year, I treat myself to a pair of Gucci sunglasses. If you can, make a small investment in something Italian! Whether it is a belt, sunglasses, or a pair of Italian shoes, fashion in Italy is crazy and whatever you purchase won’t be in stores in the US for a few years if at all!!  
Most of Rome is safe, but always be cautious, especially at night. Watch the wallet, there are a lot of pickpockets, especially on the metro (subway). There are Roma (gypsy like) women (carrying children) that can be a little aggressive if a male doesn’t give up his seat for them, they can get a little loud and pushy. (These aren’t Italian women, they are eastern European) The subway is the best form of transportation, other than by foot. If it’s late and your legs have had enough, a taxi is reasonable. Let the cab driver know where you’re going and settle a price before you get in. (best thing to do no matter what city you’re in) The metro is easy to figure out, make sure you get a metro map from the tourist office at the airport. Speaking of airport, Roma Fiumicino Airport is the main airport in Rome. The tourist office there is very helpful in providing city and metro maps. You can also buy bus tickets for transport into the city. From what I can remember, the airport is about 30-40 min outside the city.
Romans have been called rude and loud; remember you’re experiencing a different culture. Italians in general speak loudly with a lot of hand movement and emotion. Romans especially have this sense of pride, how can you blame them, they have such a rich history. Keep an open mind and embrace the cultural exchange. I find this aspect of travel the most fascinating. Don’t be shy, spark up a conversation, ask for directions, or pay that beautiful girl a compliment by saying “belle donne” How awesome would it be if you made a friend while on your travels? Italians love interaction, socializing is a huge part of their life.
Hotels: Such a myriad of choices! It all depends on budget but a good rule of thumb is to stay away from the train station. Like any city, anywhere around the train station is a little on the seedy side.
Here’s a list of a few:
• Hotel Campo De’Fiori
• Hotel Santa Maria
• Residenza Ave Hotel
The best bet in finding a hotel, is going to a website like Trip Advisor or Expedia and read reviews and look at pics. I personally only stay at expensive hotels when they are running a sale, which you can find during off season. Otherwise, I can deal with a room that’s decent but without lavish amenities. You won’t be in your room much, so all you need is comfort and a good location.
Sightseeing: An overabundance of options!!
Here’s a short list of must see:
• Vatican City
• Colosseum (A night trip is mysterious and wonderfully romantic! Loved sharing that moment with Triniti!)
• Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) (gets really crowded, but worth it! Also a night attraction)
• Roman Forum (Foro Romano)
• Pantheon
• Piazza Navona
• Spanish Steps (Piazza di Spagna) Shopping surrounds this area, beautiful cobblestone streets. Take a drink from the Barcaccia Fountain at the foot of the steps. The water in Rome is safe to drink and there are fountains you can drink out of everywhere. It’s naturally cold and tastes great! (Do I sound like a commercial?)
There is so much more than this, your guide book will give you insight into what else to see. Fromers and Lonely Planet have great guide books! Although most cities offer free city maps, I LOVE Streetwise City Maps, they are laminated and easy to read. I highlight or circle the places I visited for future reference.
Food: Wow!! So many choices! Go to Tripadvisor website, they have a ton of reviews.
Finally, learn a little Italian before you leave. Simple things like hello and goodbye go a long way and the attempt is really appreciated by Italians or any culture for that matter.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014

So, everyone knows how much I love to travel. Well, the ultimate trip is a few years away! Although football (not American) is not that popular in the US, I know there are some of you who are fans. Where else to see the World Cup than Brazil, home of the most successful national football team in history, with five championships. Kevin and I are there!! (The law of attraction!!) It would be amazing if some of you were able to go! It’s totally doable if we start saving now. Start a World Cup account (you know, like a xmas account) and put it on your wish board! It’s going to be a huge party and we’d love to party it up with you!! Brazil, here we come!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


As an avid traveler, it is important for me to find an airline that fits my needs. Recently, many airlines are making huge changes in the way they conduct business. With increased fees and fairs, it's becoming more and more difficult to find an airline that one can trust.
Previously I would use sites like Expedia and Orbitz to find the cheapest fairs. This worked for many years, but I have found that this is no longer the case. Uncomfortable seats and very little leg room are things that can no longer be tolerated.
I have flown Delta, United, Alaska, Continental, and many more airlines. What I have found is that Continental outshines them all! What do you look for in an airline? Well, not just the price of the ticket dictates which airline I choose to travel with. Here's a list of what I look for:
  • comfort (leg room, seats)
  • food and drinks
  • in flight entertainment
  • service
  • handling of delays
  • staff
  • age of aircraft in fleets
These are the main things I look at when choosing an airline. Continental continually exceeds in meeting my needs, especially when it comes to comfort and quality of service. What concerns me is the merger between Continental and United, my hopes are that United will take what Continental has proven as their expertise and implement it into their business plan. My previous travel with United has not shown to be impressive.  
Travel can seem out of reach for some and daunting for others, but if you find an airline that you can trust, it can open the doors to unforgettable experiences.