Does a true deocracy exist? Socrates stated that he was right to have withdrawn from political life, because a good person who fights for justice in a democracy will be killed. He argues that very few people have the knowledge necessary for improving the young of any species, and that the many will inevitably do a poor job. Oh how I see this everyday! Socrates suggests that the very nature of democracy makes it a corrupt political system. I tend to agree with Socrates, most people are content with the superficial explanation of the human experience and most basic of human questions. Most are detached and lose themselves in a self serving existence, as if nothing else in the world matters. Why be bothered with whats happening to someone on the other side of the world? As long as it doesn't disrupt my cozy life! Socrates would have said that when people are given great power, their shallowness inevitably leads to injustice.
Oh, what a long road is left to travel!