Wow, what a trip!! We experienced so much of Europe. There were moments of frustration, (mostly from exhaustion) but those were just small moments in time.
The highlight, for me anyway, was Tuscany. Being there exceeded all possible hopes of what it would be like. The landscape, filled with Tuscan villas, was breathtaking!! Venice, Rome, and Firenze (Florence) were amazing as well. Firenze, especially, showered me with a nostalgic feeling of Italy. With its small cobblestone streets and old romantic structures, this city left an unforgettable impression. Truly Italia!!
Spain was of course, beautiful. A place close to my heart! Barcelona was as vibrant as it has ever been, it never lets me down. The southern cities of Sevilla and especially Granada were true pictures of what is Gitano. We enjoyed an unforgettable Danza Zambra at the Cueva de Rocío in the barrio de Albaicín en. This was a spectacular show of what some may call flamenco.
Madrid was a whole new city from the last time I visited, alive with tremendous energy. I have made true memories that will forever tuck at my sleeve, moments in time that will never be forgotten.
The more I travel, the more I learn how truly blessed I am to be an American. Although our trip was filled with amazing experiences, I also saw a side of Europe I had never quite seen before. I had a idealistic image of what life was like in some of my favorite places in the world, this trip challenged those ideas.
Poverty and a growing element of different cultures mixed into those of the home culture is what really grasped my attention. America is not the only melting pot, each country I visited had its own essence of this. I felt a sense of oppression towards those not from the home country. My blind fold was removed during this trip and I feel the countries I visited have a lot to learn from the US. Some would say that this is a way of preserving the true culture of the country, yet I must argue that these countries might need to re-think their immigration policies rather than exploit minorities for cheap labor. (I know, we do it as well but not to the extent of what I saw in Europe) They may attempt to embrace these immigrants and try to learn and immerse themselves into their customs. We can all learn something from one another.
Aww, I cannot forget Paris, a true city of love! Romance seeps from everything and everyone. Strolls in the park, sipping tea while watching the rain fall, and a picnic under the Eiffel Tower, what else can a girl ask for? Paris is a dream, filled with art, amazing architecture, the Seine, and parks to stroll in, this city I will never get tired of.
What I missed most from home were the simple things, like the ability to get in my car and run to the store, or the easiness of grabbing an excellent bite to eat at a reasonable cost. My family and friends is what I missed most.
Stay tuned, Latin America 2011
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