Il Mio Mondo

Il Mio Mondo
Doing what I love!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One love

I am not perfect, I sometimes get angry, raise my voice, judge, or act in a way that's not conducive to living my best life. I sometimes feel sad, unhappy, or defeated, but I strive to be the best me, try to catch myself when I've been less than pleasant, and fill my life with as much positivity as possible.
When you view my profile you're seeing the best me, the me I strive for everyday, but know that I slip just like you. I need reminders, encouragement, and inspiration everyday.
Remember, I am only a reflection of you, the good and the getting good. So, if we all strive for the best "self", the best "me", our reflections will radiate with the brightest light!
One love!


  1. We're all works in progress. :)

  2. Delayed response, but you are absolutely right Gene Pool Diva!!
